The fight for mental health funding for Hoosiers

The fight for mental health funding for Hoosiers

Photo/pixabay: https://pixabay.com/illustrations

The struggle to finance mental health in Indiana is not a new thing on Stephanie Anderson, the Mental Health American Operating Officer in Indiana.

Anderson recognizes the steps he took in the recent legislative sessions, especially with the approval of the Senate 1 Bill in 2023, which helped Indiana improve the mental health classification to 26 in the country.

“We are really concerned that we are getting enough funding for us in 2023. Anderson said the state.

Anderson said that there is a misunderstanding about the funding form when a budget of $ 50 million was allocated annually two years ago.

“You have to keep in mind that the funds have completed federal funds. This is temporary federal funds. This year, this budget was a flat thinking that was enough. Unfortunately, this is not,” Anderson said.

Anderson gave a detail of what was required.

Anderson said: “So we need $ 50 million in the budget proposal currently, in addition to another $ 53 million annually in order to make Dent really think it must be presented,” Anderson said.

On Thursday, you will hear about mental health issues that affect Hosers more than others.

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