Medical experts call for more stringent standards regarding artificial manufactured chemicals that have been linked to many chronic diseases in children.
What is happening?
As reported by News Medical, the research conducted by medical experts from a consortium for environmental health for children have been delivered to the stark increase in non -communicable diseases in children over the past fifty years. Researchers believe that childhood exposure to dangerous chemicals behind many of these diseases, given that there is an increase of 50 times in chemical production in the same period.
According to public health researchers, whose paper was published in the New England magazine, childhood cancer increased by 35 % in the last century. The reproductive congenital disabilities of males have multiplied, while the children’s asthma doubled three times. Obesity was almost in childhood, which contributed to a significant increase in type 2 diabetes in both children and adolescents.
Also, developing neurological disorders such as autism spectrum disorder is high, with one in every 36 children diagnosed as of 2020.
Estimates indicate that there are about 350,000 chemicals and artificial plastic, but less than 20 % have been tested for safety. Meanwhile, global chemical production is expected to increase by approximately 3 % a year and can double three times by 2050.
Researchers believe that there is an urgent need for more aggressive chemical laws to protect children’s health and reflect this disturbing trend.
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“The evidence is very lands on and the effects of chemicals manufactured on children. The guardian,” said Daniele Mandroli, a co -author of the research and director of the Cesari Malton Center for Cancer Research in Italy.
Why are the strongest chemical regulations important?
The researchers pointed to a “large group of evidence” that connects children with artificial chemicals. For example, in one case, more than 10,000 children were born with PhocoLia – a rare birth defect – after their mothers took analgesic.
This incident showed that dangerous chemicals can cross the placenta and lead to amendments to the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Law, which led to a more striking advice to the drug industry. In turn, the Food and Drug Administration has approved nearly 70 % of the drugs annually, which exposes the importance of strong chemical laws to protect public health.
Although this indicates what is possible with strong legislation, there are still a lot of cracks in American chemical laws. The paper explained that under toxic material control law, the Environmental Protection Agency has a minimal authority to protect children from exposure to toxic chemicals. The loose regulations remove almost all the responsibility of almost all chemical manufacturers to determine the potential risk of new or current chemicals.
Equal chemical laws also threaten the environment, as chemicals that have not been properly tested can pollute waterways, soil and air. For example, the substances of the individual and polyotorogen (PFAS), one of the most common environmental pollutants today, was found almost everywhere- from the Arctic Ocean to waste burials in England.
What is done to protect children from chemicals?
The researchers called for a multi -faceted approach to protecting people and the planet from dangerous chemicals. The most stringent chemical laws that require strict tests, the creation of a global chemical treaty, and the repair of carbon -based business model in the chemical industry some of the team’s suggestions.
The last ban by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) shows the diet No. 3 – which has been linked to the harmful health effects of children – that pressure on government officials and industries can lead to positive work.
To keep you and your family safe from toxins, consider using natural cleaning products, buying pfas -free cooking tools, and controlling pests without chemicals.
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